Sponsor Child Cicilia Apalata

Making this commitment, taking this step, to be a sponsor for this Mighty Acorn child will change their world. It will provide a safe place to live, three meals a day, clothes, medical care and an education. It will allow their bodies and souls to begin healing through experiencing love on a level they have not known. You will have an opportunity to influence their lives through letters, photos and even scheduled Skype sessions.

As you develop a relationship with your special friend it will leave a lasting impact on you both. Please provide the requested information below and select how frequently you would like to give in your sponsorship funds (monthly, quarterly or annually). We can't thank you enough for joining us in saving these children and helping them realize their full potential.

* Required fields
We would like to give credit where credit is due on our website. If you would like something other than your first and last name provided above simply input that here.

** This is the 3-4 digit code found on the front or back of your card.

Sponsorship Price: $125.00 x 1 month

Total: -
By clicking 'Confirm Sponsorship', you authorize The Mighty Acorn Foundation to charge your card based on the billing frequency selected.
Confirm Sponsorship
Built on love and hope.
© 2025 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements